Book Love

Ways to build a Reading Habit for Lifetime

Ways to build a Reading Habit for Lifetime

We all set goals for ourselves every year to develop the habit of reading, to start reading books on a regular basis. But, just like most of our New Year resolutions, Reading goal also become one of the unaccomplished goals.

Reading offers numerous benefits. They teach you, complete you, never leave you, make your mind think deeper, sharpen your skills, crackdown your anxieties and help you grow. Whatever field you belong to, it’s very important to build a consistent pattern and habit to read . A book can give you the best satisfaction, can teach you about things beyond your imaginations, and can build a imaginary world where you feel you always belong to.

If you have to make reading a habit, you have to adapt practical ways to approach it, especially if you always get distracted from your reading goals.

Coming up with few powerful tips that will help you to build a reading habit for lifetime-

Set your Reading Goal

To build a reading habit, it is very important to start by setting a goal. Your goal should be backed up with a purpose. When you find a purpose of your goal, you will be motivated to keep pushing and achieving your goal.

Set times

Take time for yourself from your busy routine, Set a time every day when you can read you favourite book for atleast 5-10 minutes without any disturbance, this will be your “Me Time with Your book”. No matter what you will read at this time daily.

Always carry a book

Always carry a book, Wherever you go. Make it a habit to keep your book in your handbag and do not leave the house without a book. Whenever you get time just start reading, this can be a great way to pass your time.

Make it pleasurable

Make your reading time your treasured time of your day. Take a cup of coffee or tea while you read, select your corner settle yourself at a comfortable chair and start reading your favourite book.

Blog it

Blogging and giving reviews about the book is one of the best ways to form a consistent reading habit. If you have not created your blog account, create one it’s completely free and can also become your source of income with consistency. Connect with people on the Blogging sites, share your blog with your friends and family to get different opinions and more book suggestions. This will also keep you accountable for your reading goals.

Set high Reading goals

Give yourself a target that you want to read 50 books this year. Make a list of books you want to read in a month. Then plan activities accordingly to accomplish objectives. Just ensure you enjoying your reading journey.


Keep a record

Your book record should have everything related to your book title, writer even the date you started reading your book and the date finished it. Also put a note about your thoughts about the book. It will give you satisfactory feeling when you will go back over your record after a couple of months to see all the great books you’ve read. To reed Best sellers books, Buy Online with BookBins.

Hope this blog would be helpful to you to cultivate and develop your Reading Habits for Lifetime…

To truly develop your consistent reading, you have to develop your own motivational factors that can influence you, you can even follow the tips mentioned in the article and importantly always be hungry to grow beyond your comfort zone.

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